Manage your online reputation and effortlessly attract new customers with GoodMention's AI-powered online review and reputation management software. Our platform streamlines online review management by enabling you to generate reviews, manage customer feedback, and share positive feedback.


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Generate More Positive Reviews & Attract More Customers

Manage your online reputation and effortlessly attract new customers with GoodMention's AI-powered online review and reputation management software. Our platform streamlines online review management by enabling you to generate reviews, manage customer feedback, and share positive feedback.


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Make it easy for customers to leave a review - with a tap of a smartphone

  • Seamless Customer Experience: Make it easy for customers to leave reviews with a simple tap of their phone using GoodMention's smart NFC review cards, stands, and, signs.

  • Increase Engagement: Capture feedback from customers at the point of service or purchase, when their experience is fresh in their minds.
  • Enhance Convenience: Offer an easy and frictionless way for customers to provide feedback without the hassle of navigating to multiple platforms.
  • Higher Response Rates: Improve review acquisition rates by leveraging innovative NFC technology that simplifies the feedback process.
  • Innovative Brand Image: Showcase your business's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction by utilizing cutting-edge review request methods.


Make it easy for customers to leave a review - with a tap of a smartphone

  • Seamless Customer Experience: Make it easy for customers to leave reviews with a simple tap of their phone using GoodMention's smart NFC review cards, stands, and, signs.

  • Increase Engagement: Capture feedback from customers at the point of service or purchase, when their experience is fresh in their minds.
  • Enhance Convenience: Offer an easy and frictionless way for customers to provide feedback without the hassle of navigating to multiple platforms.
  • Higher Response Rates: Improve review acquisition rates by leveraging innovative NFC technology that simplifies the feedback process.
  • Innovative Brand Image: Showcase your business's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction by utilizing cutting-edge review request methods.


  • Streamline Review Requests: Effortlessly request reviews from customers via email, text, and offering one-touch review signs in your store.
  • Increase Positive Feedback: Encourage more 5-star reviews by making it convenient to leave feedback.
  • Improve Online Reputation: Enhance your business's online reputation with a steady influx of positive reviews.
  • Boost Trust & Credibility: Showcase a stellar reputation that instills confidence in potential customers.
  • Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of the competition with a higher volume of glowing reviews.


  • Streamline Review Requests: Effortlessly request reviews from customers via email, text, and offering one-touch review signs in your store.
  • Increase Positive Feedback: Encourage more 5-star reviews by making it convenient to leave feedback.
  • Improve Online Reputation: Enhance your business's online reputation with a steady influx of positive reviews.
  • Boost Trust & Credibility: Showcase a stellar reputation that instills confidence in potential customers.
  • Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of the competition with a higher volume of glowing reviews.


GoodMention’s AI-powered Customer Review Management software empowers local business owners to take control of their online digital presence and actively engage with customers to boost search rankings, increase sales, and drive more traffic to their website and store. Request, respond, and monitor reviews, observe what competitors are doing, monitor mentions of your business across the web, and much more!


GoodMention’s AI-powered Customer Review Management software empowers local business owners to take control of their online digital presence and actively engage with customers to boost search rankings, increase sales, and drive more traffic to their website and store. Request, respond, and monitor reviews, observe what competitors are doing, monitor mentions of your business across the web, and much more!

Generate Reviews At Scale

Get more positive reviews from happy customers on Google, Facebook, and other top review sites. Request reviews via email, SMS text, and for businesses with a physical location, use our NFC one-touch business review stands.

Manage & Respond 

Receive notifications for new reviews and respond to all reviews within our software. Utilize the power of AI to create personalized review responses and set up auto-responses for reviews that are 4 and 5 stars.

Showcase Your Best Reviews

Our Review Widget makes it easy to share existing reviews on your website from trusted sites like Google, Facebook, TripAdvisor, and more. Showcase your reviews in one place and build trust with potential customers faster.

Automate Processes

Our software streamlines the entire review process, saving you valuable time and resources. Automate tasks such as review monitoring, response generation, review requests, customer feedback, and more.

Generate Reviews At Scale

Get more positive reviews from happy customers on Google, Facebook, and other top review sites. Request reviews via email, SMS text, and for businesses with a physical location, use our NFC one-touch business review stands.

Manage & Respond 

Receive notifications for new reviews and respond to all reviews within our software. Utilize the power of AI to create personalized review responses and set up auto-responses for reviews that are 4 and 5 stars.

Showcase Your Best Reviews

Our Review Widget makes it easy to share existing reviews on your website from trusted sites like Google, Facebook, TripAdvisor, and more. Showcase your reviews in one place and build trust with potential customers faster.

Automate Processes

Our software streamlines the entire review process, saving you valuable time and resources. Automate tasks such as review monitoring, response generation, review requests, customer feedback, and more.


Turn great customer experiences into glowing reviews! Get more customer reviews on Google, Facebook, and other top review sites with GoodMention’s streamlined review management system. With a click of a button, collect genuine reviews from your satisfied customers by sending review requests via email or SMS texts.


Turn great customer experiences into glowing reviews! Get more customer reviews on Google, Facebook, and other top review sites with GoodMention’s streamlined review management system. With a click of a button, collect genuine reviews from your satisfied customers by sending review requests via email or SMS texts.


Monitor all your customer feedback across all the top review sites including Google, Facebook, and Yelp to ensure you never miss a single customer review again. Receive email alerts for each new review posted. Filter by source and star ratings to see the reviews that are the most important to you and your business.


Monitor all your customer feedback across all the top review sites including Google, Facebook, and Yelp to ensure you never miss a single customer review again. Receive email alerts for each new review posted. Filter by source and star ratings to see the reviews that are the most important to you and your business.


Streamline responding to reviews with ready-to-use response suggestions that can be customized to align with your business’s brand voice. Address each review efficiently, whether it’s to keep happy customers engaged or quickly address and resolve issues.

  • Respond to all reviews from one dashboard
  • Leverage AI response suggestions
  • Customize response templates using dynamic fields


Streamline responding to reviews with ready-to-use response suggestions that can be customized to align with your business’s brand voice. Address each review efficiently, whether it’s to keep happy customers engaged or quickly address and resolve issues.

  • Respond to all reviews from one dashboard
  • Leverage AI response suggestions
  • Customize response templates using dynamic fields


Allow happy customers to do the talking and help increase trust and boost sales! With GoodMention’s Review Display widget, you can easily collect and showcase your best feedback from real customers on your website.

Businesses have reported a 10+% increase in lead conversion after placing the GoodMention Review widget on their website.


Allow happy customers to do the talking and help increase trust and boost sales! With GoodMention’s Review Display widget, you can easily collect and showcase your best feedback from real customers on your website.

Businesses have reported a 10+% increase in lead conversion after placing the GoodMention Review widget on their website.







What is online review management software and how can it benefit my business?

Online review management software is designed to help local businesses monitor, analyze, and respond to online reviews left by customers on various platforms such as Google, Yelp, and Facebook. This software consolidates reviews from multiple sources into one dashboard, making it easier for businesses to track and manage their online reputation effectively. By using online review management software, such as GoodMention, businesses can quickly address any negative feedback, engage with satisfied customers, and gain valuable insights to improve their products or services. Additionally, actively managing online reviews can boost credibility, trust, and visibility online, ultimately attracting more customers and increasing revenue for the business.

Why is it important to manage online reviews?

90% of people now trust online reviews from strangers as much as recommendations from friends. This means that whatever your customers are saying about your business online can affect the purchase decisions of many potential customers. Managing online reviews is crucial so businesses can understand the voice of their customer and respond quickly to both positive and negative feedback.

What review sites can I request reviews from?

GoodMention supports the ability to request reviews from over 40+ review sites including Google, Facebook, Tripadvisor, Trustpilot, OpenTable, and many more. Contact GoodMention for a complete list.

Can I respond to all of my review sites directly in GoodMention's review management platform?

Certainly! With GoodMention’s Review Management platform, you have a seamless way to manage your online reputation across various platforms. You can respond to Facebook and Google reviews directly within our user-friendly interface, making it quick and straightforward. For other review sources, we’ve designed a convenient process. You can effortlessly draft your responses within the Reputation Management platform. Once you’re satisfied with your message, a simple click takes you to the source platform, where you can easily copy and paste your prepped response. It’s a smart and efficient way to engage with your customers, ensuring that your reputation remains positive and consistent across the board. Our goal is to make reputation management as effortless and effective as possible for you.

How many email requests can I send per day?

An unlimited number of emails can be sent per day through the GoodMention review management platform.

Can I request reviews from GoodMention's online review management platform?

Certainly! With GoodMention, you can effortlessly request reviews through the platform. Our software enables you to send review requests via email and SMS texts, utilizing customizable templates tailored to your brand’s voice and style. This streamlined process empowers you to gather authentic customer feedback and grow your online presence.

Can negative reviews be prevented?

At GoodMention, we understand the importance of managing your online reputation effectively. While it’s not always possible to prevent negative reviews entirely, our reputation management platform offers proactive solutions. Through our customized customer feedback survey system, customers who’ve had positive experiences are seamlessly directed to leave reviews on any review platform(s) of your choice, boosting your online presence. Meanwhile, customers with less satisfactory experiences are prompted to provide additional feedback, allowing business owners to address concerns promptly and potentially prevent negative reviews. With GoodMention, you have the tools to actively manage and enhance your online reputation.

Can negative reviews be deleted?

Reputation Management offers a strategic advantage in the world of online reviews. While we can’t delete negative reviews, we can help you push them down the list. How? By efficiently gathering more positive reviews! We strongly recommend collecting and showcasing all reviews, regardless of their rating. Embracing all reviews, positive and negative, can actually help businesses appear more genuine and trustworthy to their audience. Our platform streamlines the process of requesting reviews from your satisfied customers, making it easier than ever to get more reviews. With an increased volume of glowing reviews, those occasional negative ones get buried further down the list. This means that when potential customers check out your reviews, they’ll be met with a chorus of positivity, effectively overshadowing any occasional negative feedback. It’s a powerful way to take control of your online reputation and showcase your business.

Can I request reviews through text messages?

Absolutely! You will need to register your business through the GoodMention Reputation Mangaement dashboard to ensure that your business can send SMS text messages. Major mobile carriers, including T-Mobile and AT&T, block messages from unregistered businesses to reduce spam. This registration process is easy and allows you to comply with these regulations and continue utilizing SMS as a valuable tool for gathering reviews.

Is there a limit on the amount of SMS text review requests that I can send?

Depending on the subscription plan you've subscribed to with GoodMention, there are specific limits on the number of text messages you can send per month. This is due to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) which imposes restrictions on unsolicited SMS messages sent for marketing purposes. These limits are set to maintain a positive relationship with your customers and avoid potential issues related to over-messaging.

What is online review management software and how can it benefit my business?

Online review management software is designed to help local businesses monitor, analyze, and respond to online reviews left by customers on various platforms such as Google, Yelp, and Facebook. This software consolidates reviews from multiple sources into one dashboard, making it easier for businesses to track and manage their online reputation effectively. By using online review management software, such as GoodMention, businesses can quickly address any negative feedback, engage with satisfied customers, and gain valuable insights to improve their products or services. Additionally, actively managing online reviews can boost credibility, trust, and visibility online, ultimately attracting more customers and increasing revenue for the business.

Why is it important to manage online reviews?

90% of people now trust online reviews from strangers as much as recommendations from friends. This means that whatever your customers are saying about your business online can affect the purchase decisions of many potential customers. Managing online reviews is crucial so businesses can understand the voice of their customer and respond quickly to both positive and negative feedback.

What review sites can I request reviews from?

GoodMention supports the ability to request reviews from over 40+ review sites including Google, Facebook, Tripadvisor, Trustpilot, OpenTable, and many more. Contact GoodMention for a complete list.

Can I respond to all of my review sites directly in GoodMention's review management platform?

Certainly! With GoodMention’s Review Management platform, you have a seamless way to manage your online reputation across various platforms. You can respond to Facebook and Google reviews directly within our user-friendly interface, making it quick and straightforward. For other review sources, we’ve designed a convenient process. You can effortlessly draft your responses within the Reputation Management platform. Once you’re satisfied with your message, a simple click takes you to the source platform, where you can easily copy and paste your prepped response. It’s a smart and efficient way to engage with your customers, ensuring that your reputation remains positive and consistent across the board. Our goal is to make reputation management as effortless and effective as possible for you.

How many email requests can I send per day?

An unlimited number of emails can be sent per day through the GoodMention review management platform.

Can I request reviews from GoodMention's online review management platform?

Certainly! With GoodMention, you can effortlessly request reviews through the platform. Our software enables you to send review requests via email and SMS texts, utilizing customizable templates tailored to your brand’s voice and style. This streamlined process empowers you to gather authentic customer feedback and grow your online presence.

Can negative reviews be prevented or deleted?

At GoodMention, we recognize the significance of effectively managing your online reputation. Although it may be challenging to completely avoid negative reviews, our reputation management platform provides proactive solutions. Our customized customer feedback survey system directs satisfied customers to leave reviews on review platforms of your choosing, boosting your online presence. Customers with less satisfactory experiences are encouraged to give additional feedback, allowing business owners to address concerns promptly and potentially prevent negative reviews. With GoodMention, you have the tools to actively manage and improve your online reputation. While we cannot erase negative reviews, we can help diminish their impact by generating more positive reviews. It is recommended to gather and display all reviews, regardless of their rating, as this can enhance a business's credibility and trustworthiness. Our platform simplifies the process of soliciting reviews from satisfied customers, making it easier to accumulate more positive feedback. By accumulating a larger number of positive reviews, negative ones are pushed further down the list. This ensures that potential customers are greeted with a wave of positivity when viewing your reviews, ultimately overshadowing any occasional negative feedback. This approach allows you to take control of your online reputation and showcase the strengths of your business effectively.

What if a negative review contains false information?

If a negative review contains false information, you can try to get it removed by contacting the platform where it's posted. GoodMention can advise you on the best course of action.

Can I request reviews through text messages?

Absolutely! You will need to register your business through the GoodMention Reputation Mangaement dashboard to ensure that your business can send SMS text messages. Major mobile carriers, including T-Mobile and AT&T, block messages from unregistered businesses to reduce spam. This registration process is easy and allows you to comply with these regulations and continue utilizing SMS as a valuable tool for gathering reviews.

Is there a limit on the amount of SMS text review requests that I can send?

Depending on the subscription plan you've subscribed to with GoodMention, there are specific limits on the number of text messages you can send per month. This is due to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) which imposes restrictions on unsolicited SMS messages sent for marketing purposes. These limits are set to maintain a positive relationship with your customers and avoid potential issues related to over-messaging.


Take Your Business to the Next Level with Good Mention


Take Control of Your Online Reviews with GoodMention

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